Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Curtain Call

Let me preface this post by saying I love to sew. I love fabric, yarn, thread -- if it has to do with fiber -- it's wonderful and worth my time. I love my sewing machine -- it's my girlie power tool. That being said -- here's the curtains my adorable husband asked and asked me to make for our
sweet 1927 Dutch Colonial House. I do love our house. It has french doors that open onto the deck and back yard from our dining room. This is nice, but it can be a little like living in a fish bowl -- especially when a cherubic little neighbor child's face peeks in at you unexpectedly (almost always mid-bite or at a particularly untidy moment). This made curtains necessary. Heavy curtains aren't my thing and I delayed putting these up forever. But after a trip to our local Field's Fabrics and armed with a bit of inspiration from Cynthia Treen's book: Last Minute Fabric Gifts, I came up with this:

Last Minute Fabric Gifts gives you instructions for making these sweet silk flowers. It's not difficult -- and the dupioni silk I used to make these was like working with magic. Somehow these make me think of a southern belle. They are girlie, but that's okay -- there have been absolutely no complaints. Now this hasn't completely blocked the windows and you'll notice there's still room for lil' faces, but it gives a little more privacy.

A flower close up -- oops I see a string I need to nip off. Where are those scissors.